Doctor on call
More info about the out-of-hours medical care? Surf to Wachtpost Leuven. In urgent need of the doctor on call?
Find a doctor
Find a GP with practice in the region East-Brabant. Use your current location to sort the results according to distance.
All general practitioners within this region are members of the Huisartsenkring Oost-Brabant (KHOBRA) and jointly organize medical assistance outside business hours.
In urgent need of the doctor on call? Dial 1733.
More info? Surf to Wachtpost Leuven.
For other regions you can find more info on Wachtpostenvlaanderen.
KHOBRA vzw (Kring Huisartsen Oost-Brabant)
Hendrik Consciencestraat 33, 3000 Leuven
KBOnummer 0862.317.132
Bank rek BE47 7340 1071 5980, BIC: KRED BE BB
Chairman: Filip Charlier
Secretary: Lore Wittevrongel
Treasurer: Marlies Metsu
Board of Directors: Filip Charlier, Lies De Sutter, Thierry Op de Beeck, Gijs Van Pottelbergh, Jo Borremans, Marlies Metsu, Birgitte Schoenmakers, Lore Wittevrongel, Helena Claes, Roos Wouters (without voting rights)